Useful Links
Western Australia
- Family Court of Western Australia
- Magistrates Court of Western Australia (Restraining Orders)
Legal Aid
- Legal Aid Western Australia: Legal Aid WA provides information and resources to assist the community with their legal concerns and offers a range of services aimed at target groups or individuals with particular legal problems. Assistance is designed to help people resolve their problems at the earliest opportunity, to improve their access to the law, to avoid unnecessary litigation, and to ensure that legal representation is in keeping with community expectations for fairness.
Counselling and Support Services
- Anglicare: a not for profit community service organisation supporting people, families and their communities to cope with the challenges of life by building their resilience and capacity. They assist people with relationship issues, financial problems, and housing difficulties.
- Centrecare: a Catholic not-for-profit, community services organisation with over 300 staff delivering more than 70 quality, professional counselling, support, mediation and training services throughout the Perth metropolitan, Goldfields, Esperance and South West regions of Western Australia. This includes weekly and fortnightly services to the communities of Coolgardie, Menzies, Leonora and Laverton and Norseman. Additionally, staff provide regular supports to the remote Aboriginal communities of Coonana, Tjuntjuntjarra and the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.
- Family Relationships Online: Family Relationships Online provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. It also allows families to find out about a range of services that can assist them to manage relationship issues, including agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.
- Lifeline WA: Lifeline WA delivers services that aim to prevent suicide, support people in crisis and create opportunities for emotional wellbeing. Somewhere in Australia there is a new call to Lifeline every minute.
- Relationships Australia: offers resources to couples, individuals and families to help enhance and support relationships.
Child-related Resources
- Child Support Agency: Information about child support payable, registration of Child Support Agreements and general information regarding child support.
- Department of Communities and Child Protection: provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families, from the Kimberley to the Great Southern regions of the State.
Government Bodies
- Attorney General’s Department (Commonwealth): serves the people of Australia by providing essential expert support to the Government in the maintenance and improvement of Australia’s system of law and justice and its national security and emergency management systems.
- Department of the Attorney General (Western Australia): Information on the courts, births, deaths and marriages, fines, Justices of the Peace etc. A very useful resource.
Professional Organisations
- Family Law Practitioners’ Association of Western Australia (FLPAWA): is a body devoted to serving the needs of those practising in the area of family law. The membership includes solicitors, barristers, and officers of the Family Court of Western Australia. The majority of members practise throughout Western Australia.
- Law Council of Australia: Representing Family Lawyers throughout Australia.
- Law Society of Western Australia: is the professional association for Western Australian barristers and solicitors.
- Collaborative Law Professionals WA: Collaborative practice is a dispute resolution process designed to assist you to stay in control of your own decisions and out of court. Your former spouse’s lawyer and your lawyer make a commitment to work together towards an agreement using a cooperative problem solving approach.
- Findlaw Australia: One of Australia’s leading Legal Directories of information, news and resources.
Northern Territory
Legal Aid and Community Legal Services
- Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission
- Darwin Community Legal Service: is a free, confidential service. They assist disadvantaged members of the community to protect their legal rights, and work towards a community where everyone has access to legal advice and support.
Counselling and Support Services
- Anglicare NT: is one of the largest providers of government-funded welfare, social justice and community development programs in the Northern Territory. They work with individuals, families and the community to promote the enrichment of relationships, fullness of life and social justice for all.
- CatholicCare NT: is a not-for-profit organisation, providing counselling services and programs to individuals, couples, families, children groups, schools and agencies across the Northern Territory. They provide counselling and other support services in Darwin, Katherine, Alice Springs, Ltyentye Apurte, Finke, Titjikala,Tennant Creek, APY Lands, Nauiyu, Palmerston, Tiwi and Wadeye.
- Family Relationships Online: Family Relationships Online provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. It also allows families to find out about a range of services that can assist them to manage relationship issues, including agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.
- Relationships Australia: offers resources to couples, individuals and families to help enhance and support relationships.
Child-related Resources
- Child Support Agency: Information about child support payable, registration of Child Support Agreements and general information regarding child support.
- Territory Families: was established by the Northern Territory Government on 12 September, 2016. The establishment of Territory Families brings together many of the key functions that work together to create stronger communities where children experience safe, healthy and happy childhoods, women and men from all cultural and linguistic backgrounds have equal opportunities, and senior Territorians are appreciated and respected.
Government Bodies
- Attorney General’s Department (Commonwealth): serves the people of Australia by providing essential expert support to the Government in the maintenance and improvement of Australia’s system of law and justice and its national security and emergency management systems.
- Department of the Attorney-General and Justice (Northern Territory)
Professional Organisations
- Law Society NT: formed in 1968, the Society is a statutory body constituted under the Legal Profession Act (NT), which controls the affairs of the legal profession in the Northern Territory.
- Law Council of Australia: Representing Family Lawyers throughout Australia.
Findlaw Australia: One of Australia’s leading Legal Directories of information, news and resources.